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Can you make for pc?


Akemmi Natsuky aready make Gacha Cute for Pc


Hello! Does it work on windows 10? i'm really interested in the mod. If it works please let me know!! :D 💗


Hi, the PC version is now available S2

Plss open the game in play store too😔

Tysm!!!! this is the best app/mod ever

are you going to make one for iOS?


Hi I am new here so I don't know how I can play


Me to (๑´•.̫ • `๑)

(1 edit) (-1)

Ok so can you make it for Apple iPad please cuz I been trying to download it for 2 days now and it’s not working and if it is how do I make it work and how do I know it’s in the game if you can then thank you so much

It didn't work

hola uwu me encanta el mod 


Hello, I have tips to download this app from gacha cute: D but only on PC and windows 7 I used it on windows 7 and it worked <3

XD es jenial mente suuupeela la rre amo cnp es jenial xs

Could ya add nezuko bamboo? Also love the mod :D

I can’t download at the moment. Please make it open to any devices if possible.

yes please

I can't download, it appears that the app has not been installed

Hello, your cpu is windows 7?


If it's windows I'll give you some advice because I have it <3

Can you make it so we can get it on an iPad? I don’t have an android and I really like the look of this game

Mi pana esta re chulo

(1 edit)

How do you download it on phone


cool now how to download on windows

Deleted 3 years ago



Does this give u a virus


No se descarga q hago? .. Full Game Gacha


Hello! Is this safe to download and play? I just want to make sure that I won't get a virus from this😅

Para quem não instalar é fácil vai no outro vídeo da desenvolverora lá tem o gacha cute de 32 gb para celulares mais fracos tipo o meu

Qual é o nome do vídeo?


O meu n quer instalar


SE Ve LINDO y hermoso

N esta instalando

(5 edits) (-2)

This my Oc!




The actual game,

Deleted 3 years ago

This is so cute! 

how did u 


how did u what?


i love this


me dice "no se instalo la app" que hago!!? :'>


Quisas no tienes suficiente espacio


how does this work pls help tho

Sempre quando eu baixo ele diz que o gacha cute parou e não consigo entrar ai você fala "instala de novo" eu já tentei várias vesez o meu disposivo e um Android Samsung peço que o criador ou criadora me envie a versão Android Samsung para eu poder jogar igualmente a todos obrigada pela sua atenção tchau.


Why it's not working ;(((

ameiii nota 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000099009999990000000000


Deleted 3 years ago

i love your oc

thanks ^_^




can somebody  help me  with it 

Genteee o jogo e muito boom, gráfica e macanica incrível! Cenários, objetos,pets todos tão lindos! Meus parabéns aos criadores! Parabéns mesmo vcs merecem!



Bom,eu fiz tudo oq mandava para fazer em um dos seus vídeos só que mesmo assim não deu!!! Não dá para entrar

only personal computers/PCs and android items


dosent work on iPads

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