Okay, But why arent they able to comment something..? I mean is it wrong to just make a message?? sometimes people dont have things to talk about (on topic of games / mods ) so please try to understand
Help I got this error message and idk what to do. I have gone to the site and installed the links but I keep getting the pop up, I am usually able to fix issues like this on my own but I am simply stumped. Here is the error message > "This application requires a version that requires a version of Adobe AIR which cannot be found. Please download the latest version of the runtime from http://adobe.com/go/getair, or contact the application author for an updated version."
The people from like months ago need the shut the fuck up with "i banged your dad" or "your dad licked my part". its fucking disgusting which led to people quitting. First of all, how about your bitch ass shows that stupid fucking message to your parents hm? how would they react? or are they just as awful as you, Even if you did change in a month i will not just let you guys ruin a comment section that has NOTHING to do with peoples fathers. some people are fatherless too which makes it 100% more disgusting. find some goofy ass nsfw mod to say such weird things. if not i will not be afraid to say this again, Fuck off if your someone im talking about
im also very sorry to those that had such awful things said to them <3. please make sure to set boundaries and just block them as what i just did is feeding the troll. i know its bad to just keep talking about the past but its FUCKING DISGUSTING. no one and i mean NO ONE should have the right to say such vulgar thing like that, Please feel free to block me as i dont want to see this shit again, i know its probably over by now but i was watching the whole thing and i can only describe it with one word. D I S G U S T I N G. i dont care how much messages i need to make just for fucking perverts to understand.
Im not very good at explaining but to cut the story short, Some randoms with jellybean pfps started harrasing someone by saying "your dad licked my p^^ssy" or "your dad sucked my t!!ts" when the person said they were fatherless, im pretty sure the people that were harrasing the other people were 13? which is a really young age to say such vulgar things.. You can ask someone else who saw the drama to get more information because this is my side but it also caused someone to quit. i hope this explanation is clear enough
Sorry for replying late, Anyways by "quit" i mean they stoppped using itch.io . Probably deleted theyre account but im not so sure, Im sorry if i confused you with the quit part
hello I really like this mod but I can't get it I played it on my old PC before I got this PC but I can't get it due to the fact my PC can't handle .rar files I would greatly appreciate it if it could have a .zip file option as well I hope my request gets taken into consideration thanks <3
hello eve, welcome back <33. because of some.. awful stuff from like 26 days ago kira(i belive this is her name.) quit, Im very sorry that i didnt reply sooner :D
my pcs 64bit im pretty sure so can someone help please is it like bc of storage? it said it cant open cus it wants to know like what i want to download this on but i dont understand that bc its itch io and it dosent go to itch io.. HELPPP
No needs for all this un-needed negativity- They are talking about the people in the game, not real-life people. I think the internet has gotten to your head a bit dear, take a breather for a moment.
God the asshole from "NiNjAmUfFiN_66 pIcO" ridiculous, get yourself a life and grow up you look like a fucking kid desperate for attention, what the fuck don't they want you at home? stop criticizing and bothering others you look like an 8 year old mentally retarded fuck you
The first comment I see has a fucking criticism of its user, comment, or a fucking photo, what the hell is wrong with you? leave the fucking people alone you look like an idiot 8 year old fan of fnf
← Return to mod
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all of my friends quitted now i haev no frens
( expect for noah ofc)
We can be friends?
Okay, but why are you commenting that on a games comment section?
Okay, But why arent they able to comment something..? I mean is it wrong to just make a message?? sometimes people dont have things to talk about (on topic of games / mods ) so please try to understand
we can be friends! (right????)
aww :c same tho
people sanck
Umm this is a Rar file can I please have a zip file?
i dont think theres a zip file
Oh ok ty for telling
happy new year + account anniversary
Same goes to you !! , i hope this year goes splendid for u <3
The drama seemed to have calmed down :P
I cant wait to try this game
amazing game
i hope the drama stopped
from 26 days ago? Yes it stopped but if people keep chatting about it the person who started it might come back <33 !!
oh ok!
muito bom,tem varias coisas e realmente e bem fofo,sou horrivel pra fazer comentario dscp
Thats cool man!
Help I got this error message and idk what to do. I have gone to the site and installed the links but I keep getting the pop up, I am usually able to fix issues like this on my own but I am simply stumped. Here is the error message > "This application requires a version that requires a version of Adobe AIR which cannot be found. Please download the latest version of the runtime from http://adobe.com/go/getair, or contact the application author for an updated version."
I might have figured it out
Nope still stuck
pls help me I am losing it
I DID IT, all good solved my problem lol
How did you fix it??? I'd REALLY appreciate the help:(
press extract all instead of run
The people from like months ago need the shut the fuck up with "i banged your dad" or "your dad licked my part". its fucking disgusting which led to people quitting. First of all, how about your bitch ass shows that stupid fucking message to your parents hm? how would they react? or are they just as awful as you, Even if you did change in a month i will not just let you guys ruin a comment section that has NOTHING to do with peoples fathers. some people are fatherless too which makes it 100% more disgusting. find some goofy ass nsfw mod to say such weird things. if not i will not be afraid to say this again, Fuck off if your someone im talking about
im also very sorry to those that had such awful things said to them <3. please make sure to set boundaries and just block them as what i just did is feeding the troll. i know its bad to just keep talking about the past but its FUCKING DISGUSTING. no one and i mean NO ONE should have the right to say such vulgar thing like that, Please feel free to block me as i dont want to see this shit again, i know its probably over by now but i was watching the whole thing and i can only describe it with one word. D I S G U S T I N G. i dont care how much messages i need to make just for fucking perverts to understand.
What is this (past) drama? If you don't want to explain it that's fine-
Im not very good at explaining but to cut the story short, Some randoms with jellybean pfps started harrasing someone by saying "your dad licked my p^^ssy" or "your dad sucked my t!!ts" when the person said they were fatherless, im pretty sure the people that were harrasing the other people were 13? which is a really young age to say such vulgar things.. You can ask someone else who saw the drama to get more information because this is my side but it also caused someone to quit. i hope this explanation is clear enough
Its a good explanation. I was asking sense almost all of the replys were deleted.
Though I don't understand what you mean by 'quit'. Are you meaning some people deleted their accounts or.....?
Sorry for replying late, Anyways by "quit" i mean they stoppped using itch.io . Probably deleted theyre account but im not so sure, Im sorry if i confused you with the quit part
The snak that smiles back :)
gold fish >:D
hello I really like this mod but I can't get it I played it on my old PC before I got this PC but I can't get it due to the fact my PC can't handle .rar files I would greatly appreciate it if it could have a .zip file option as well I hope my request gets taken into consideration thanks <3
There is a Zip file now
but you have to download it twice cuse it did not work until I redownload it
its awsome
Hi my friends! its me EveHaruko :))
Is some of my friends online
sorry i was offline a long timeT^T
Welcome backkk
Yay :)
i was offline prob for a month or so though TvT
oh ^^
I'm still here,
hello eve, welcome back <33. because of some.. awful stuff from like 26 days ago kira(i belive this is her name.) quit, Im very sorry that i didnt reply sooner :D
-froggie / cloud
to lighten the mood, How have you been ?
i dont have samsung,can i still download it?
could you possibly make it a .zip folder?
why is it .rar why not .zip
Ayo what's with the deleted comments? Did the biggest conflict happened in here and I never even had the chance to see it?
I Don't Whats Happening right no
bro wth was going on in these comments lmfao
oh o
hi i am new here
Welcome! just so you know, this chat is a full on chaos house😅
lol what did i get into
idrk anymore (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
c'mon what happened :(
I agree with quit <3
Im qutting this fucking hell
Um wtf is going on here💀
my pcs 64bit im pretty sure so can someone help please is it like bc of storage? it said it cant open cus it wants to know like what i want to download this on but i dont understand that bc its itch io and it dosent go to itch io.. HELPPP
Also i can't download ittt
Man i kept looking at the comments and realized that there is a lot going on and i guess worldwar4 is here now.. this is normal
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my honest reaction to this comment section:
Imma go on
a new gacha page
See you guys there✌
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ok but why are you on gacha pages in the first place lmfao
Im done with this page
cuz some kid got mad at me
Oh sorry
ty no one cares ab you^^^^
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tf happened to stewie
Wtf idk man
oh no cringe😙
okay virgin😊
bro killed faked her death☠💀
be like this fucking girl, and go fucking touch water
some one dose care forthem
Our Gacha chart is a little weird!!!
Beautiful Angel Sheep Lady Clara❤️
why do men in gacha club look gay- *just in case, this is not gacha cute, is gacha neon*
Image assuming someone's sexuality based on societal constructs 🤢
This is the kind of person that complains about being misgendered or "opressed" but does the same and gets mad when they get called out 😐
wth ??????????¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿
so whatcha thinking mr raggedy man doing all you can to look like raggedy ann
okay first off its just an oc chill 💀 secondly its just a drawing relax
No needs for all this un-needed negativity- They are talking about the people in the game, not real-life people. I think the internet has gotten to your head a bit dear, take a breather for a moment.
God the asshole from "NiNjAmUfFiN_66 pIcO" ridiculous, get yourself a life and grow up you look like a fucking kid desperate for attention, what the fuck don't they want you at home? stop criticizing and bothering others you look like an 8 year old mentally retarded fuck you
The first comment I see has a fucking criticism of its user, comment, or a fucking photo, what the hell is wrong with you? leave the fucking people alone you look like an idiot 8 year old fan of fnf
you're a fucking idiot to be 13
Because your the meanest person in existence😎🙄🙄
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"Im done with this page" how r u here then
all ur comebacks "shut up"
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Bro thought his cheeks were safe on itch.io 😭 Better tighten them up or ima go crazy😈
Are you talking to me or someone else?
It is understandable, the meow thing is disgusting, it is obvious that they are going to reject your fucking comment
brother you are super stupid, because of these fucking comments I study, so as not to end up as an idiot